Lady Simon on the Great Western Railway


inspired by the painting: Rain, Steam and Speed – The Great Western Railway

an oil painting by J.W.M. Turner R.A.

I saw you that wild day, excited
as the storm blotted colour from the sun.
leaning out of the carriage window
craning for a better view

inviting me to take a look
at the curious light
absorbed with the raw action
of elemental forces

the driving, pelt of rain
the rush of movement
the showers of sodden soot
and sparks flying from the engine

the sudden blink of signals passed
the momentary glimpses
of wooded slopes
and misty distant haze

Yet, when I saw your artful
shift of perspective
the locomotive accelerating
on the widening bridge at Maidenhead

I felt again the speed of steam
and the rush of rain, all caught
in those flying brush strokes
and the subtle irony of your swift hare
that one small hare, still running for its life.

© M.L.Emmett

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